maanantai 24. elokuuta 2015

Gam-o-gasm! // SOMA, finally here!

My heart just stopped. Opening internet after a challenging and long day I see Frictional Games' new update online, SOMA is finally in pre-purchase! This is an expected moment, after two and half years I finally get to add this game to my cart and scream and cry happy tears, cus this is so awesome! I haven't been this excited since the last FNAF game (which isn't so far behind, but..) but because this is from FG, from the creators of Amnesia: The Dark Descend, I'm more than hype!

My first horror game ever was Amnesia, and since I played the first game through, I've been waiting new games from FG and never gave up on the waiting. When Machine for Pigs came out, of course it was a dissappointment cause it wasn't their own game, but we all new this is. Are you ready, folks. Are you ready to shit yourselves..?

First look at the last teaser it brought my mind Bioshock games, underwater building with monsters and puzzles, and when Bioshock games are one of my favorites.. Wow, I really can't wait the combination of pure survival horror and scifi! Me and my friend are overly excited and lit up cause of this.

Sorry it's been a while guys, there's been so much to do right now that I haven't had almost any time to think about blogging or anything else including that. But I promise, there will be soon something more content coming.. ~

Need to start designing a new look for the blog too, so see you around, take care!

- Lakubon

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