sunnuntai 19. huhtikuuta 2015


Firstly, I want to say.. This is a long post, so be prepared to read a lot if you're going to do that.

While playing Super Mario Bros. 3 with my girlfriend I got an idea to write about one of my newest but also the loveliest subject about games, the old ones. Couple years ago while watching a vlogger who rates NES games and collects them got me interested in 8-bit world and later also in other older consoles. I want to have the childhood of 80's with video games I have never got to play and experience, so I have planned to have it someday in the future. So, today's topic I will tell you guys about my childhood games and about the games I'd like to play and have later. But remember, the topic is also the older games!

My childhood was pretty dull when thinking about video games. I had no consoles, only PC, and that has been my experience to play lots of game demos and Disney games. Well, it's been a nice experience too, but I'd have like to play much more..

A little while ago I started collecting old games and consoles and even my collection is still just couple games, I bet there's going to be a lot in the future. My first game what I did buy was Croc for PS1 and it was just because I wanted to play the game, I had played the demo of the second game as a child in the PC. It has no worth to sell because it hasn't manual or even original cover but I think someday I'll buy them too. But it's not necessary yet.
The second game I bought was Spyro: Hero's Tail which was a game from my childhood too. This time it was for Gamecube which I'm interested more than PS1. And the third one is my favorite.. I found from one jumble nearby working Ape Escape for PS1. You already think the price, but it was hilariously cheap, three euros! It has the manual and original cover (which is bit broken) and it's price in the markets are nowadays 30-40 euros. Not bad!

But if there's something else to mention about my favorite games from childhood, I want to mention the old but gold Win98 game and that is Midtown Madness! Everyone else played GTA and games like that, but as a PC child I had just this, but it worked for me still pretty well. Driving your car crashed over and over again was actually pretty entertaining in the age of pre-schooler.

I remember one time in my childhood that I had borrowed (probably) SNES from my cousin, and I had three games for it; some rally game, Smurfs game and also Super Mario World. I could say that is the first Mario game I have played.

So, where am I heading now? From the childhood to this day I've always been the Mario child, or how should I say it. First two Mario games I remember playing and watching are Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros. 2. My friends have shared a childhood with Sonic, Zelda, Spyro and Crash and it's funny to see us togehter sharing opinions in small talks and recalling them, I'd like to do that even more, but I think most of my friends are over their childhood. But still concentrating to me, I want to mention some Mario games which have grown me even more to it:

Super Mario Bros. 2

Also known as Doki Doki Panic. Yes, like most people know, this is not an original Super Mario game, but still it's Shigeru Miyamoto's own game. In the game you can play as Mario, Luigi, Toad or Peach and the playing is based on lifting objects from the ground (vegetables, shells, enemies, etc.) and throwing them to enemies.

When Doki Doki Panic didn't got any audience, after Super Mario Bros. Miyamoto decided to change DDP into Super Mario Bros. 2 and make money with that, and actually he did. Unfortunately the game wasn't enough for consumers and it got the fame of the worst Super Mario game. I thought the same thing for years, but nowadays I've started to like it. Actually this earlier mentioned vlogger changed my mind, and it hasn't been a bad opinion what he said about it. Compared to Super Mario Bros. 3 which game is more utopian; The game where every character has their strenghts and weaknesses or a game where everything, even the sun attack you!?

Super Mario Bros. 3

Even this is maybe one of my most played NES/SNES Mario, I still have not so much to say about it. SMB3 is a nice game to kill time and is a substitute to original Super Mario Bros. when I don't have the game. A lot of game hours has been spent with friends while playing this and it hasn't been a bad thing, not at all.




Super Mario Galaxy

When I got my first console, Nintendo Wii, the first game I bought for it was Super Mario Galaxy. A whole new game mechanism and wonderful music got me all the way into this game! I haven't regret any sleepless nights and game hours I've spent with the first game. One Christmas my lovely cousin had bought me the second game, unfortunately I still haven't beaten it..

In the game you'll be upside down, in 3D, in 2D and in any else camera angle. The game uses so much angles with the camera that in the first meters the game makes you sick before you get used to motion sickness. But the game will be worth of playing I say! The plot is the same time epic and sad, but it won't be forgotten.

I don't want to take tattoos without some good reason, because they're nowadays so expensive. But I have been thinking for years to take as the first tattoo the 8-bit Mario. I haven't found any pictures like that kind of Mario and I really want the version to be pixelized.

* * *

But yeah, that's all about Mario, the next thing I want to talk about are the old games I eagerly would like to play!

Earthbound (SNES)

I got to known with this game via emulator, but the first touch came from a short film which was a crossover of Earthbound and Team Fortress 2. The interest to the game came from the characters and now I'm in love with the game and want to play more, and with the real console!

Kirby Superstar (SNES)

Same thing as with Earthbound, I tried it with emulator. But because I had heard and saw so much about Kirby I thought that I really just need to play it and I kinda like the game. It's not one of my favorites, but I still enjoy it's music and the playing style.

Megaman (NES/SNES)

Seeing so much about Megaman has always made me want to play and try the game. At last Animecon in last summer a group of men speedran one Megaman game via NES and I was watching the final boss fight. It caught my interest because it had some same aspects as Mario but also the shooting. And it also looks just great!

Super Mario World 1 & 2 (SNES)

I just really want to play my childhood game via real console, I have the first one already in emulator, but yeah.. Everything's better with the real consoles.

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (Gamecube)

Only Zelda game which has caught my attention. The characters (Skull Kid) and the mysterious plot are expecting everyone to explore it!

Luigi's Mansion (Gamecube)

From the childhood I've wanted to play this game as far as Luigi's my favorite character from Super Mario games. I saw my cousins to play it and.. Still eager to have it and play it!

Super Mario Sunshine (Gamecube)

When I got interested in Gamecube and its games my friend recommended me to play and get this game. As I've heard and seen it's not that rare to get and I might even lean that game from her.

Oddworld (PS1)

MY CHILDHOOD NIGHTMARE! For years I was looking for the game that got oddly me seeing nightmares for months but I had no idea what the game was until last year I accidentally found it. The creepy environment had left some goosebumps in me and hearing the plot again made some creeps.. But still I want that game because I'd also like to collect some nice games to PS1.

BanjoKazooie (Nintendo 64)

Being a Crash Bandicoot one and since have played same-like games like Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, etc.. I've thought about playing the father of those games, if I haven't misunderstood the thing. I have not much information about this game, but because it ALSO has awesome music and everyone talks about it, I want to know what kind of game it is.

* * *
Like I lightly mentioned in this post, I have some plans to collect both games and consoles ('cause that makes sense) and I have a few what I really want and would kill for them. On top of everything there is Super Nintendo, SNES (USA). When I started watching that one vlogger I told you about I wanted to have NES, Nintendo 8-bit console. But because you can have some restored games for SNES from NES I have started to prefer have that. For example, Super Mario All-Stars has the Mario games from 1 to 3 (even the first game doesn't look as good as the old 8-bit version). The second console I want is Gamecube. I don't exactly know why I am so eager to have it, but I'd just love to. And it's not as hard to have than other old consoles, so why not? And there's couple great games for it that I want to make a little collection. Also, Playstation 1 has been a while in my wishlist to have, maybe because there's still moving so much games for it and it is easy to collect games for it that way. Maybe my reasons are stupid why would I collect those, but I think it's just fun! I've always been a collector with almost anything and it gives me that nirvana so should I say shut up? Nah, you can have your opinion, because I have mine..

After couple hours this massive post is ready and I'm relieved! There really would be more if I'd use more time, but I think it's good to stop when you're just in the beginning. Maybe some other time I'll share more 8- and 16-bit stories with you guys, but before that, take care and have a good day or night!

- Lakubon

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