tiistai 3. maaliskuuta 2015

Booting up gaming platforms!

Hey guys, it's been a while since I've updated this blog, and I need to apologize for that. Also our drawing challenge was changed to late March because of our finals, so there wouldn't be stress harming me. It's been such a rush for couple weeks and everything hasn't gone as planned, but now I decided to write something here, because I have subjects to come over!

So, yesterday I made late buyings for myself because of my birthday which was 11th Febrary (yay!). For now I got some extra money to treat myself, so I went to buy some games for PS3 what I had been waiting for because underaged can't buy anything nice.. So yesterday I bought some new games to my shelf, Dead Space 1 & 2, and inFamous 1 & 2. Latest game what I got interested was this inFamous -serie, so I decided to take a look at it, and it's looking pretty awesome.

So, inFamous tells another story about apocalypse time, but in that change there's no zombies. A man named Cole MacGrath wakes up in the middle of the chaos finding out he has elemental powers of electricity and he has two paths to follow, the bad or the good. This make the game really interesting that everything you do effects in the storyline, and changes the ending. I'm really ready to find out what this game really includes, because the second game is shouting my name on the shelf. Surfing on the powers cabels and killing enemies with electric shocks are making this game pretty simple with repeating cycle of missions, but still interesting to continue. What I could say about this game it reminds me of mixing parkour and gangster games with Bioshock or Alone in the Dark (atleast Inferno). But I'm easy to entertain, and I'm going to tell more about this if there's need to.

I had game sessions one day when I was sick. Some GTA SA, Portal (Orange Box) and of course, GTA V!
I've been struggling with a sticky flu for couple weeks now and my gaming station have moved to living room in this house. Other day I was playing with PS3 some Portal in a while, and now Portal first time via PS3! It looked pretty awesome, and I tried to speedrun that game, but I got too tired because of this sickness, but still I got it almost through.

Flawless 40" TV with one of the best games ever! PS3 quality of this game was surprising

Me and my friend have planned for a while to have challenge with Portal speedrun, because the first game is so short (speedrun 2-3hrs) that we'd see with PC which one is better/faster to play the game. We are kinda Portal fans because that game was one of the first games we have been playing together with my friend and because it's just so fucking good! Lots of puzzles and thinking.. If there's no any brain capacity in my use, with that game, maybe a little..!

Also, today I found out that finally the long-waited Five Nights At Freddy's 3 had come out and I surely bought the game right away! I was too frightened to play the game much today, but my other friend will make me to do that tomorrow for sure. But besides that I watched the whole game footage I found on internet and I dug straight to the story and every theory (I might be little obsessed with this tho..) to find out what's happening. I had my own thoughts about this too while trying the game, but I think I'll wait game Theorists to tell what would be going on..

But yeah, tomorrow I'll face the Frankenstein Bonnie again and I'm gonna shit myself.. I really still can't figure that out that I DID buy that game for real. I paid for that, I paid for shitting myself, am I really that dumb..

For the next post take care guys, I don't know when I'll write next because of closening finals, but I'll be still alive!

- Lakubon

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