sunnuntai 11. tammikuuta 2015

Expectations for year 2015

As I've binged games with enthusiastic speed run after Christmas I've also looked for some games to just spectate eagerly. Polygon's list of games 2015 have shown me couple of games I'm keen to play. But what really was my idea today to talk about, is the list of games I'm waiting to be published, whenever they then would do that.. You can't ever be too pessimistic for that. But yeah, let's start!


After Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs was published I heard about Frictional Games' whole new game concept, SOMA, a sci-fi survival horror game. What has been told about the game, there will be lots of monologs for the game character itself which makes the difference to Penumbra and Amnesia games where mostly the head character just gets flashbacks and finds the story via letters and diary pages. I'm not doubting that in this game there wouldn't be any, but I'm expecting from the info that the character will talk much more itself. When I saw this trailer at first time I was so excited that from that day I've been waiting this like kids do for Christmas. I did the same for A Machine for Pigs, but I got a disappointment when it mostly was made by Chinese Room and the game's atmosphere kinda' lacked. But because we now know this new game will be made by Frictional Games, it must be lota of better! At the game's homepage the current info says that the game should be expected to be released in 2015, and what FG has said the game is currently got its Pre-Beta version. But I could tell from the last games of FG that there will still be changes.



I bought at Christmas Remedy Entertainment's Alan Wake what I'd been drooled for years but haven't got money to get it earlier. The game is about finding lost pages to your manuscript while fighting against shadowed monsters (a.k.a people and objects) which aggressively attack towards you in the pitch-black forest. Only way to beat these things are removing the shadow with your flashlight, flares or light grenades and then shoot them without a good aiming when you don't have time to even catch breath to kill these bastards. What I've prefered in a difficult "normal" is to fuck everything and run!

Today checking the list of Polygon I found out that this game company is working on with new game called Quantum Break. They say it's going to be the most cinematic game and after watching the gameplay trailer the graphics looks delicious like also the concept. As a sci-fi fan this time travel shooter looks worth playing.

As a fan of Telltale games' Walking Dead the info of the game caught me right away where the name of the company was mentioned. In the last Telltale's games with simple click-and-point style we have had cinematic gameplay running dialogs with the people you meet and make choices which effect to the game's storyline. It has been an unique experience via games to me and when I want to kill time without FPS, I've spent hours of playing these click-and-point games over and over again to make sure I have seen every dilemma what the game creates to you.

Watching the trailer made it soon more clearer that I truly wanted to get into this game, first-person with visual environment like that has always woken my interest with games. The biggest interest to this game made that fact it is a first-person. After Walking Dead games I could just imagine how great the game would look and feel like when you're not only looking the character, but you are the character! 

Currently I'm saving money to get 'The Wolf Among Us' and '400 Days' that I could feed my enthusiasm for not-so-real looking games. 


Lack of survival horror games have lost a bit of my joy for games, 'cause I really have become an addict to adrenaline and heart attacks. Even I suck at playing horror games, and I truly hate trying new ones without knowing is there jumpscares or not, I became interested after watching the trailer. I bet after Slender: The Arrival, Penumbra and Amnesia games this will be feeding me next.

Like I mentioned in the last post, Five Nights at Freddy's -serie has got my jumpscare-hating soul to another dimension, I bet.. Getting into the first two games and listening Game Theorists have got me to spectate these games. Because of their interesting and mysterious plot about murders and attaching in possible true stories, I've started for real to adore these guys' creativity. Even being the most simple game ever done, it catches up people to follow and find out the all dark secrets the game has drawn inside it. I would love to see more Golden Freddy after the Puppet or what the hell it ever was.


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I should be reading to my finals, but instead of that I just wrote the all excitement of games to this post and got myself same time feeling exhausted but still succeed because I really got something to finished today! Now I need to start doing my history project with full power because I have one week to deadline and I am slow with working on it. And about the finals, I only have health education final at this year, and it's on 20th March. Still some time to it, but I need to get prepared. I'm already late from the schedule, but it's kinda' normal to me. I'm also so pissed of about that fact that 'Better Call Saul' will start 8th and 9th February at AMC, but because I live in Finland.. I'm waiting when I'll be able to watch that from online!

But yeah! There was my short list of the games I'm waiting the most to be released. I don't know about every game so much than from the others, so information can be wrong in one way or another. While waiting these games I'm going to binge my un-played games from my library as much as I can. I still have the whole Hitman-serie unplayed, also Half Life and many other games, so.. This will be a good time to try completing them than just hoarding them.

- Lakubon

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