tiistai 13. lokakuuta 2015

Dubstep Jungle Adventure - Far Cry 3

In such a long time I had been wanting to play Far Cry 3, actually the game's most badass character Vaas got my interest. Also, I've become a fan of beautiful open world games. And in FC3, the jungle really makes it.

Actually my lovely friend MuNu bought this game a long while ago but when she didn't have time for it, it was my turn to try it out, and even with my console gaming skills the game was pretty hard I was able to beat the game.

So what's the story behind this game? Pretty simple. A group of youngsters decide to trip to savage islands and unfortunately there comes up  more than just nice villagers, man named Jason Brody with his friends get kidnapped by local pirates which are lead by Vaas. In the first scenery Jason's brother gets killed when he and Jason are escaping making Jason to get lost in the jungle. Pretty soon he's found by local villagers who start to help him while he's holding a grudge against Vaas, wanting to kill him. But the game won't be only confined with this, the game will follow Jason's growing to a warrior of jungle experiencing everything from exploring the jungle, experiencing trances and of course, kill everything what's moving. In the jungle there whole bunch of actions to do and the game really won't lie that there won't be enough exploring in there. And if running in the woods will get boring you can always fast travel to your chosen city by choosing it from your map.

In some sections the story limped a bit, but its surprising episodes of weird missions (like finding mushrooms and burning weed with the flamethrower..) make it less boring. Also, the characters of the game richens the game, Vaas really ain't the only one to be interesting in this game.. Everything in the game really balances it. In my taste it concentrated a little too much in shooting, but well.. It's a shooter after all. Still I could have wanted to see more about the jungle, but I'm not complaining. Nice gaming sessions to everyone!

Have a request of a game? Don't be shy to ask about it!

- Lakubon

maanantai 12. lokakuuta 2015

BRAINiac Horror - SOMA

In 22nd September MuNu and I started playing Frictional Games' newest horror blast called SOMA. Because we decided to play the game together we have only played game's first two hours, so still a lot to go. But in this time, I have a little something to tell about the game and also about our first reactions..

Scenes underwater, scenes in abandoned research stations, SOMA gets started with a man called Simon Jarret who's going in check-up of his brain damage by a car crash. While seeing the doctor Simon's put in the new scan progress which leads him in an odd research station from nice and warm home world. While he's putting the things together, how he got there, he finds out he's not alone and also more strange things are surrounding him. For example, metal beasts and machine-like creatures which will make you soil yourself.

This atmospheric horror has been worth to wait! The environment is beautiful and making the game much more creepier than it would be. I'm not into horror games where the greatest horror face isn't a humanoid, but this game will show you this game's not just about them. Terminator giving me some creeps makes me vulnerable in front of this game, so it really scares me for life and I'm just loving it! I've been waiting for this kind of horror so long after Dark Descend so I'm eager to play more when the time comes!

There isn't so much to say about this game yet, but I promise when we end this game.. This post will be compensated ~

- Lakubon